Оборудование IP-телефонии




1. Бакланов И.Г. ISDN и IP-телефония / Вестник связи, 1999, №4.

2. Брау Д. Грядет год стандарта Н.323? / Сети и системы связи,

1999. №14.

3. Будников В.Ю., Пономарев Б.А. Технологии обеспечения качества обслуживания в мультисервисных сетях / Вестник связи,

2000. №9.

4. Варакин Л. Телекоммуникационный феномен России / Вестник связи International, 1999, №4.

5. Варламова Е. IP-телефония в России / Connect! Мир связи, 1999, №9.

6. Гольдштейн Б.С. Сигнализация в сетях связи. Том 1. М.: Радио

и связь, 1998.

7. Гольдштейн Б.С. Протоколы сети доступа. Том 2. М.: Радио и связь, 1999.

8. Гольдштейн Б.С., Ехриель И.М., Рерле Р.Д. Интеллектуальные сети. М.: Радио и связь, 2000.

9. Кузнецов А.Е., Пинчук А. В., Суховицкий А.Л. Построение сетей IP-телефонии / Компьютерная телефония, 2000, №6.

10. Кульгин М. Технологии корпоративных сетей. Изд. “Питер”, 1999.

11. Ломакин Д. Технические решения IP-телефонии / Мобильные системы, 1999 №8.

12. Мюнх Б., Скворцова С. Сигнализация в сетях IP-телефонии. -Часть I, II/Сети и системы связи, 1999. - №13(47), 14(48).

13. Уиллис Д. Интеграция речи и данных. В начале долгого пути./Сети и системы связи, 1999.-№16.

14. Шнепс-Шнеппе М.А. Интеллектуальные услуги - это ДВО / Информ - курьер-связь, 2000 - №9.

15. Armitage Grenville. Quality of Service in IP Networks. - Macmillan Technical Publishing, 2000.

16. Anquetil L-P., Bouwen J., Conte A., Van Doorselaer. B. Media Gateway Control Protocol and Voice over IP Gateway. - Alcatel Telecommunications Review, 2nd Quarter 1999.

17. Black Uyless. Voice Over IP. - Prentice Hall, 08 / 99. 0130224634

18. Caputo R. Cisco Packetized Voice and Data Integration. - McGraw-Hill Cisco Technical Expert, 2000

19. Curtin P., Whyte B. Tigris - A gateway between circuit-switched and IP networks / Ericson Rewiew, 1999, №2.

20. DavidsonJ., Peters J. Voice Over IP Fundamentals. - Cisco Press, 2000.

21. DeMartino К. ISDN and the Internet. - Computer Networks, 1999.

22. Douskalis B. IP Telephony.
The Integration of Robust VolP Services. -Prentice Hall, 1999.

23. Durham D., Yavatkar R.. Inside the Internet's Resource Reservation Protocol: Foundations for Quality of Service, 2000

24. Faynberg I., Gabuzda L, Lu Hui-Lan. Converged Networks and Services: Internetworking IP and the PSTN. - John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

25. Goncalves M. Voice Over IP Networks. - McGraw Hill Publishing, 1998.

26. GoralskiW., Kolon M. IP Telephony. - McGraw Hill Publishing, 1999.

27. Harte . Voice Over Data Network Internet, Frame Relay, and ATM.-APDG Inc. 2000

28. Hersent 0, Gurle D., Petit Jean-Pierre. IP Telephony: Packet-Based Multimedia Communications Systems.- Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 2000.

29. Horak R. Communications systems & networks / Second Edition, M Et Т Books and IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 2000

30. Houghton Т. F, E. C. Schloemer, E. S. Szurkowski, W. P. Weber. A packet telephony gateway for public network operators. - Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies - U.S.A., XVI World Telecom Congress Proceeding, 1997.

31. ITU-T Recommendation E.164. Numbering Plan for the ISDN Era. -1991.

32. ITU-T Recommendation G.711. Pulse Code Modulation of 3kHz Audio Channel.-1988.

33. ITU-T Recommendation G.723.1. Dual Rate speech coder for multimedia communication transmitting at 5.3 and 6.3 kit / sec. - 1996.

34. ITU-T Recommendation G.728. Coding of Speech at 16 kbit / s Using Low-delay Code Excited Linear Prediction (LD-CELP). -1992.

35. ITU-T Recommendation G.729. Speech codec for multimedia telecommunications transmitting at 8 / 13 kbit / s. - 1996.

36. ITU-T Recommendation H.225.0. Call signaling protocols and media stream packetization for packet-based multimedia communication systems. -Geneva, 1998.

37. ITU-T Recommendation H.245. Control protocol for multimedia communication. -Geneva, 1998

38. ITU-T Recommendation H.248. Gateway control protocol. - Geneva, 2000.

39. ITU-T Recommendation H.320. Narrow-band Visual Telephone Systems and Terminal Equipment. - 1996.

40. ITU-T Recommendation H.321. Adaptation of H. 320 Visual Telephone Terminals to B-ISDN Environments. - 1996.

41. ITU-T Recommendation H.322. Visual Telephone Systems and Terminal Equipment for Local Area Networks which Provide a Guaranteed Quality of Service. - 1996.

42. ITU-T Recommendation H.323. Packet based multimedia communication systems. - Geneva, 1998.

43. ITU-T Recommendation H.324. Terminal for Low Bit Rate Multimedia Communications. -1996.

44. ITU-T Recommendation Q.931. ISDN User-Network Interface Layer 3 Specification for Basic Call Control. - 1993.

45. Lee J. Implementing Voice Over IP. McGraw Hill Text, 2000.

46. Luczywek M. Cisco Voice over IP Handbook. IDG Books Worldwide, 2000.

47. McDysan D. Phd.Qos & Traffic Management in Ip & Atm Networks

48. Miller M. Voice over IP: Strategies for the Converged Network. IDG Books Worldwide, 2000.

49. Minoli D., Minoli E. Delivering Voice over IP Networks / John Willey & Sons, Inc., 1998.

50. Regis В., Donald G.. Voice & Data Communications Handbook Third Edition. - McGraw Hill Publishing, 2000.

51. Reid M. Multimedia conferencing over ISDN and IP networks using ITU-T H-series recommendations: architecture, control and coordination / Computer Networks, 1999 - №31.

52. RFC 2205. Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP). Ver.1. Functional Specification. - September 1997.

53. RFC 2327. Session Description Protocol. M. Handley, V. Jacobson. April, 1998.

54. RFC 2543. SIP: Session Initiation Protocol. M. Handley, H. Schuizrinne, E. Schooler, J. Rosenberg. March 1999.

55. RFC 2616. Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP / 1.1. R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee. June 1999.

56. RFC 2705. Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Version 1.0. M. Arango, A. Dugan, I. Elliott, C. Huitema, S. Pickett. October 1999.

57. RFC 2865. Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS). C.Rigney, S. Willens, A. Rubens, W. Simpson. June 2000.

58. RFC 2885.Megaco Protocol 0.8. F Cuervo, N. Greene, C. Huitema, A.Rayhan, B. Rosen, J. Segers. August 2000.

59. Toga J., Ott J. ITU-T standardization activities for interactive multimedia communications on packet-based networks: H.323 and related recommendations / Computer Networks, 1999.

60. Uyless Black. Voice over IP, Prentice Hall PTR, 2000.

61. Walter J. Goralski, Matthew C. Kolon. IP telephony / The McGraw-Hill Co..Inc.,2000.

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